Massage is the art of healing through touch. It restores balance to the mind, body and spirit. Swedish body massage (also known as holistic Massage) dates from the early 19th century. It is an original massage technique that uses oils and a sequence of movements working superficially and deeper into the tissue layers. It is one of the easiest ways of attaining and maintaining good health and is something we do naturally. (It is a natural healing instinct to rub an aching shoulder or stubbed toe.) By using oils and gentle manipulation, the sense of touch eases our troubled minds, relieves aches and pains and provides a feeling of true relaxation.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki practitioners aim to move and balance the energy fields within and around your body, and to remove any energy blocks, which encourages physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual healing and strengthens your energy.

Our Therapists -

Grace Bowker

Meditative Healing Massage

A unique blend of long fluid Swedish strokes of varying depth and pressure to enhance the body's natural functioning. Improve your muscle tone, circulation and joint flexibility bring peace and balance to the body.

A deeply relaxing experience

Deep Tissue Massage

Focused on the deep layers of muscle tissue, it aims to release the chronic patterned of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the fibres of the muscle and tendons. Often combined with deep tissue massage Trigger point therapy is a bodywork technique that involves the applying of pressure to tender muscle tissue in order to relieve pain. Trigger points are very common and often refereed to as muscle knots.

Please contact our therapist to arrange a appointment

Grace Bowker
07428 259002

Sarah Rollitt - Massage and Reiki


During a treatment, the clients remain fully clothed. Practitioners will put their hands on, or a few inches above, your body, and during the treatment they will move their hands across your body.

 Each person experiences different sensations during the treatment, and this can vary from session to session. You might feel a tingling sensation, a deep relaxation, or warmth or coolness throughout your body, or, you might not feel anything at all. If you don’t feel anything this doesn’t mean that the treatment isn’t working.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is very relaxing and helps to reduce emotional and physical stress, as well as reducing muscle tension.

Sports Massage

Both physical activity and everyday lifestyles can lead to the build-up of stress and tension in the body's tissues. As well as preventing and treating sports injuries, it can help those who are experiencing muscle pain, as it reduces tension, knots and adhesions.

Sports massage therapists will use a range of deep and intense techniques to restore mobility to an injured muscle tissue. Stretching, compression, toning and trigger point response techniques similar to acupressure may be used.

 Sports massage can also focus on the deeper layers of muscle within the body. It is more vigorous than Swedish massage and therefore not as relaxing.

Please contact our therapist to arrange a appointment

Sarah Rollitt - 07852 992517

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Holistic Therapies

Massage & Reiki

Always remember the therapeutic power of touch.

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